a not so average take on a less-than-average life

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Goddamn Politicians

Why can't they just all grow up. I'm talking of the politicians and world leaders of today. Seriously. I just want to slap them and say what the hell are you doing? Take a look at yourselves and your behavior. What are the lessons we teach our children? We teach them to do what is right and, most pertinently, WE TEACH THEM THAT TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT!

And, to the Republicans on Capitol Hill, do you really not think we know what you are doing? You can't get your way so no one will? Didn't you take an oath to serve the people? To do what is right for this country? Are you really telling me that blocking anyone from doing something and just refusing to do anything, anything at all, is not EXACTLY THE SAME AS A TEMPER TANTRUM FROM A 5-YEAR-OLD. I swear, their bottom lips are even starting to stick out. And a couple of weeks ago, with that one guy, I saw foot stomping.

So, you lost. Get over it. Do what is right. Do your job. Do something. Just stop being a bunch of nincompoop whiny babies.

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