a not so average take on a less-than-average life

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Impeach Bush Movement

Now, I'm pretty sure that you have all figured out that I am fairly liberal in my politics and not the biggest Bush fan (both literally and figuratively, ha ha ha). But, to each his own.

However, what I do feel is that ALL Americans, no matter what their political, social, religious bent have to agree on is that we currently have a president who repeatedly violates the Constitution and has committed numerous impeachable 0ffenses. These are facts. Even rightwingers don't deny that just add on a lot of but's. Me, I don't believe in buts (do not confuse with butts, because those I do believe in).

But anyways, the impeach Bush grassroots organization (only political group I have ever belonged to) is organizing a one-day phone protest. On Tuesday, June 3rd, please call John Conyers (he is head of the Judiciary Committee) and say 'You have a constitutional and legal obligation to act on impeachment. The Bush administration intentionally deceived the public to go to war, and the people of this country demand that they be held accountable." The telephone numbers are: 202-225-5126, 202-224-3121, 202-225-3951, 313-961-5670, 734-675-4084.

Just because a man is a Republican or a born-again does not mean that he should not be held accountable for his crimes. If anything, he should be held to a higher moral ground.

And remember, we, not so long ago, impeached a man for getting a blow job. I think a fairly loose precedent has been set.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Real Reason We Are on Mars

So a NASA probe has just landed on the north pole of Mars. This is a fabulous scientific achievement that will no doubt vastly increase our knowledge. But, this is not why the US government is funding this. Come on. The search for life on Mars is really just the cover.

They're really looking for resources.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Crunch at the Pump

So, gas is at an outrageous price. I guess I haven't realized cause I hardly ever drive. In fact, I have pretty much avoided driving my entire life. It's not that I don't enjoy a good drive. I love to drive in the mountains and through the great North. I like it more in the passenger seat. But everyday driving. And traffic. And don't get me started on parking.

I've never understood it. A couple of years ago when I lived in Florida, people thought I was weird, walking to work. I didn't have a car though so they kind of got it. No one realized that I loved walking to work. It was a great empty (but safe) road. What a way to wake up in the morning. And, the best way to decompress after a long day. Quiet and peace. Or music and dancing. Even singing in the rain.

Even two years ago, I had a car (which I frequently loaned out, others needed it). But I only drove to the grocery store or Wal-Mart maybe once a week. And I walked to and from school every day. Why? Because it took less time than driving, finding parking, etc. And it's so much more enjoyable. People thought I was nuts.

Then, last year I got a great job but it meant I had to drive. I spent about $10 a week on gas. Then summer came and my car broke down. Horribly. And horribly expensive. Took me awhile to get it fixed. I had to take the bus. To tell you the honest truth, I stalled on getting my car fixed because it was okay with me. I like taking public transportation. It's fun. Have you ever watched the people on the bus. You do not get better people watching than that. And sometimes they really do make you smile.

So, now summer is back. My car is working. And I'll still take the bus sometimes. And I'll definitely walk to the free shuttle. The great thing is that people won't think I'm quite so weird.

I still only spend $10 a week at the pump.

Stolen Grass aka one more sign of the armageddon

Thieves have stolen strips of sod from an elementary school. It was really nice grass that they had planted themselves as part of a project building a stage. They got to put on one performance.

And then people stole their grass! Who the hell steals grass from an elementary school. Seriously, aren't there some rich people out there?

Monday, May 12, 2008

I swear I'm not a crazy person

So, I swear that I am not really a crazy person. But I honestly do think that the 'Armageddon' (I in no way mean a literal translation, in no way). Well, I hope that I am wrong. I really think it will be more of a plague-like illness.

But anyways, I have been joking about this, and dreaming about this, for just a little bit too long. And this whole Burma/Mynamar thing is the prime setting. With no food, no water, no sanitation, disease is going to hit and it's going to hit hard. And when help finally gets in, it could be just in time to spread a new superbug throughout the world. I just worry that five years from now when we look at the devastation, we will be able to point our fingers back to this time. And now tornados, and an earthquake in China.

It's just, doesn't it seem like the Earth is trying to tell us something?

At least now I don't sound like such a crazy person. All my Armageddon talk (again, I mean more of a world-altering event, the kind only seen in the movies, no biblical message to be inferred in any way shape or form) has been getting a bit much lately. I watched a documentary about Bellevue Mental Hospital and I realized that there is a very fine line between genius and insanity and I believe that it primarily revolves around keeping one's mouth shut. So, I need to keep my mouth shut. Plus, I've been back on my nuclear fusion idea. And trust me, no one likes listening to that one.

I guess all we can do is wait and see.