a not so average take on a less-than-average life

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Crunch at the Pump

So, gas is at an outrageous price. I guess I haven't realized cause I hardly ever drive. In fact, I have pretty much avoided driving my entire life. It's not that I don't enjoy a good drive. I love to drive in the mountains and through the great North. I like it more in the passenger seat. But everyday driving. And traffic. And don't get me started on parking.

I've never understood it. A couple of years ago when I lived in Florida, people thought I was weird, walking to work. I didn't have a car though so they kind of got it. No one realized that I loved walking to work. It was a great empty (but safe) road. What a way to wake up in the morning. And, the best way to decompress after a long day. Quiet and peace. Or music and dancing. Even singing in the rain.

Even two years ago, I had a car (which I frequently loaned out, others needed it). But I only drove to the grocery store or Wal-Mart maybe once a week. And I walked to and from school every day. Why? Because it took less time than driving, finding parking, etc. And it's so much more enjoyable. People thought I was nuts.

Then, last year I got a great job but it meant I had to drive. I spent about $10 a week on gas. Then summer came and my car broke down. Horribly. And horribly expensive. Took me awhile to get it fixed. I had to take the bus. To tell you the honest truth, I stalled on getting my car fixed because it was okay with me. I like taking public transportation. It's fun. Have you ever watched the people on the bus. You do not get better people watching than that. And sometimes they really do make you smile.

So, now summer is back. My car is working. And I'll still take the bus sometimes. And I'll definitely walk to the free shuttle. The great thing is that people won't think I'm quite so weird.

I still only spend $10 a week at the pump.

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