a not so average take on a less-than-average life

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Impeach Bush Movement

Now, I'm pretty sure that you have all figured out that I am fairly liberal in my politics and not the biggest Bush fan (both literally and figuratively, ha ha ha). But, to each his own.

However, what I do feel is that ALL Americans, no matter what their political, social, religious bent have to agree on is that we currently have a president who repeatedly violates the Constitution and has committed numerous impeachable 0ffenses. These are facts. Even rightwingers don't deny that just add on a lot of but's. Me, I don't believe in buts (do not confuse with butts, because those I do believe in).

But anyways, the impeach Bush grassroots organization (only political group I have ever belonged to) is organizing a one-day phone protest. On Tuesday, June 3rd, please call John Conyers (he is head of the Judiciary Committee) and say 'You have a constitutional and legal obligation to act on impeachment. The Bush administration intentionally deceived the public to go to war, and the people of this country demand that they be held accountable." The telephone numbers are: 202-225-5126, 202-224-3121, 202-225-3951, 313-961-5670, 734-675-4084.

Just because a man is a Republican or a born-again does not mean that he should not be held accountable for his crimes. If anything, he should be held to a higher moral ground.

And remember, we, not so long ago, impeached a man for getting a blow job. I think a fairly loose precedent has been set.

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