a not so average take on a less-than-average life

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mother Nature, Do Not Mess With Her

There are massive floods in the Midwest. Man-made dams and reservoirs are bursting. A lake has burst its berm sweeping away several multi-million dollar homes in the process, a man-made lake. It's the worst flooding in the last 15 years.

When will people learn that mother nature will take back her land. Rivers flood their banks and water will eventually go where it wants. And it is well known that bad floods happen. A little thing called the 100-year event. I just get mad at our attempts to control hydrology. It has such horrible effects on the environment. I just find it interesting that the worst damage is occurring at engineered sites.

And by the way. Why don't the airlines design some more fuel-efficient airplanes? We all know oil prices are never dropping. Doesn't matter that much to me. I'm all for airplanes charging by the pound, I only weigh about a 100 pounds.

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