a not so average take on a less-than-average life

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A bit about Barack, a bit about guns, and even a bit of Abe Lincoln

I can't believe no one has commented yet. Oh, maybe that's because I haven't actually said anything yet.


Okay, there, I said something....

While I think that I wish to focus on societal commentary in this blog, politics is society and my mother is definitely a societal issue and so we are back to Barack.

It's not just that I like him and he's a Democrat...it's that he actually says the things that I would say in his position. For example, the tragedy at NIU (hit a bit close to home, grew up 45 minutes from there and if you know anything about the area, 45 minutes away is basically the neighboring town). When pressed to connect the horridness with gun control he says that 'it is our constitutional right to have a gun'. Exactly.

I am not for guns. I do not understand why people have the need to have one, especially in light of statistics. I really do not understand why people are so obsessed with them and I really don't understand why someone would want to carry one around. Aren't they heavy? And don't they require a lot of cleaning and maintenance and upkeep (I'm recalling the tragic CSI Miami (my love for the H is a whole other posting) in which a young CSI was killed because he did not take proper care of his weapon). I also would not have sex with someone who had a gun because I would be paranoid the whole time that it would go off accidentally and paralyze me because I have that kind of luck).

But, it is in the Constitution (even if that bit is subject to interpretation). And so Barack said exactly what I would have said. Plus, I get really mad when the stupid extremist groups try to back people into corners.

But the real reason, the deep down reason, I like Barack is simple. He reminds me of Abraham Lincoln. And it's not just because both are adopted sons of the state of Illinois. It's much more.

(Ironically, Hilary is the one who is actually from Illinois. By the way, how the hell did she end up being from New York? I was out of the country during the early 2000's, I think I missed a lot.)

Abe always projected a kind of integrity, respect, and melancholy that I also see in Barack's face. These are melancholic times. And I want a president who realizes that. Who doesn't pretend everything is going to be okay once we have universal healthcare or who hides from it under the guise of 'terror'. I don't know. I have feared for our future for a long time and I feel that we are at a crosswords. A great man once said (this is a paraphrase) that great leaders come in terrible times. I know it's a gamble saying that Barack is the next Abe Lincoln and I'm not really a gamblin' type of gal but hell, I don't see any other good bets.

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