a not so average take on a less-than-average life

Sunday, February 17, 2008

First Words

I have no idea what a blog is supposed to be...but here goes.

Hello, my name is Pixie Demento, and welcome to my blog.

Obviously that is not my real name but that is in the interest of protecting the identity of the innocent. While I do not include myself in said category I still believe in protecting the innocent.

What should I say about me? First, I will say that this whole blogging thing is already starting to feel like a lot of pressure. I must be clever, witty, pithy, and memorable yet not pretentious, cloying, or annoying. Great, one more thing to feel bad about in my life. Yes.

Maybe I'll just give you a few hints about me. Yeah, every post I will reveal a new clue and see if you can figure out who I really am. I promise no lies although I do not promise to not be tricky.

I am a female. I remember all of the 80's and none of the 70's (this is not as obvious as it seems). I may be the smartest person in the world and I am definitely one of the most moronic.
And that's enough for now.

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